
Chan-Hyun Youn, PhD
Contact Info.
[ Personal Biography ]
Chan-Hyun Youn received the B.Sc and M.Sc degrees in Electronics Engineering from Kyungpook National University, Daegu, Korea, in 1981 and 1985, respectively. He also received a Ph.D. in Electrical and Communications Engineering from Tohoku University, Japan, in 1994. He was with Korea Army as a communications officer, Lieutenant, from 1981 to 1983. Before joining the University, from 1986 to 1997, he was a head of high-speed networking team at KT Research Laboratories, where he was a principal investigator of high-speed networking projects, Asia-Pacific Information Infrastructure (APII) testbed and Asia-Pacific Advanced Network (APAN). Since 1997, he has been a professor at school of Electrical Engineering in KAIST, Daejeon, Korea. He also was an associate vice-president of office of planning and budgets in KAIST, from 2013 to 2017. He was a visiting professor at MIT with Prof. R.G. Mark`s Group of LCP (Laboratory for Computational Physiology) at Harvard-MIT Health Science Technology Center. He is also the Director of the Grid Middleware Research Center and the XAI Acceleration Technology Research Center, KAIST, where he is developing core technologies that are in the areas of high-performance computing, AI acceleration system, and advanced computing systems. He authored (or co-authored) 90 SCI journal papers, 160 international/domestic conference papers, and 78 patents (including application), respectively. He wrote a book on Cloud Broker and Cloudlet for Workflow Scheduling, (Springer, 2017). Prof. Youn was selected to the Inaugural Class of IEEE Computer Society Distinguished Contributor in 2021. He also was a General Chair of the 6th EAI International Conference on Cloud Computing (Cloud Comp 2015), KAIST, in 2015, and a Guest Editor of IEEE WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS in 2016.
[ Professional Experiences ]
- KAIST, Professor, School of Electrical Engineering (1997 ~ Current)
- KAIST, Associate Vice-President, Office of Planning and Budgets (2013 ~ 2017)
- KAIST, Head, Department of Information and Communications Engineering (2009)
- KAIST, Director, XAI Acceleration Technology Research Center (2019 ~ Current)
- KAIST, Director, Grid Middleware Research Center (2004 ~ Current)
- MIT Harvard-MIT Health Science Technology Center, visiting professor (2003 ~ 2004)
- Korea Communications Commission, Network Neutrality Committee Member, (2011 ~ 2012)
- National IT Innovation Program (Giga Korea) SW Platform Division Chair, (2011)
- Government Cloud Computing Policy Committee Member, (2011)
- National Industry Technology Development Planning Group/Next Generation Computing Industry Planning Section Chair Member (2011)
- National Public Cloud Policy Committee Member (2010 ~ 2011)
- Public Cloud Construction Committee, Chair (2009 ~ 2010)
- KIPS, vice president, Editor-in-Chief (2009 ~ 2012)
- General Chair of Korea-Japan Grid symposium 2008
- Grid Forum Korea, vice President/Steering Committee Member (2001 ~ 2009)
- Korea Information Infrastructure Construction Support Biz Committee Chair, organized by Ministry of Information and Communications and Korea Telecommunication Operators Association (KTOA) (2000 ~ 2001)
- APII (Asia Pacific Information Infrastructure) WG/ ASTAP, (1999 ~ 2000)
- APAN (Asia Pacific Advanced Network)/APII Testbed WG, (1995 ~ 1997)
- APAN/APII-Testbed APAN Committee Co-Chair, (1995 ~ 1997)
- KT Network Research Center, R&D Team Head, Senior Research Staff (1986 ~ 1997)
- Korea Army Officer, Lieutenant (1981~ 1983)
[ Number of Supervisees at KAIST ]
- Fields of Specialization: Distributed Computing System, HPC, Deep Learning
- Number of Supervisees: (Ongoing supervision (7 Graduate students), Completed Supervision (total 77/ 12 PhD’s, 53 Masters, 12 Bachelors)
[ Academic Publications ]
- Article Journals (90 SCI publications): Please refer to
- Proceeding Papers (162 conference papers): Please refer to
- Patents: 75 (domestic, international)
[ Honors, Recognition and Awards ]
- [IEEE CS, Distinguished Contributor 2021] Inaugural Class of IEEE Computer Society Distinguished Contributor, 2021.
- [Best paper award 2022] The 13th International Conference on Information and Communication Technology Convergence, for the paper entitled “Controlling Dependency: Selectively Resetting Channels for Pre-trained CNN Backbone Network on Hand Pose Estimation”, Oct., 2022.
- [Samsung Best R&D Award 2021] Samsung Electronics R&D Award for Best Patent Application, 2021.
- [Best student paper 2019] The best student paper award in the 10th International Conference on Information and Communication Technology Convergence, for the paper entitled “An Accelerated Edge Computing with a Container and Its Orchestration”, Oct., 2019. (link)
- [Best student paper 2015] The best student paper award in the 6th international conference on cloud computing (CloudComp), for the paper entitled “Dynamic Virtual Machine Consolidation for Energy Efficient Cloud Data Centers”, Oct., 2015. (link)
- [Best paper award 2014] The best paper award in the 5th international conference on cloud computing (CloudComp), for the paper entitled “A Phased Workflow Scheduling Scheme with Task Division Policy in Cloud Broker”, Oct., 2014
- [Outstanding paper prize 2012] The 22nd Science and Technology Outstand Paper Award by Korean Federation of Science and Technology Societies (KOFST) June 2012: for contribution of large-scale distributed computing system technology. (Grid, Cloud)
- [Best paper presentation 2011] IEEE Int’l Conference on Ubiquitous Information Technology and Applications (CUTE2011), Seoul, Korea, Dec., 2011
- [Academic Excellence Prize 2010], for the contribution of Grid technology development, KIPS Dec 2010.
- [Best paper presentation 2011] Outstanding Paper presentation, KIPS (Korean Information Processing Society) Conference Nov. 2011
- [Best paper presentation 2010] Outstanding Paper presentation, KIPS (Korean Information Processing Society) Conference April 2010
- [Award 2010] Appreciation of Academic Services, KIPS (Korean Information Processing Society) Conference Feb. 2010
- [Ministry Award 2007] Successful achievement of technology development in Y2007, Development of Grid Middleware (Physio-Grid, PACS-Grid), MEST (Ministry of Education, Science and Technology), KISTEP, 2007
- [Award 2004] Outstanding Paper presentation “Optimal Surrogate Replica Management Architecture with Quorum based Resource Management Scheme in Mobile Grid Network”, KSII (Korean Society of Internet Information), 2004
- [Award 1994] IEICE PAACS Friendship Prize, paper prize for “CNV-Based intermedia synchronization mechanism under high speed communication environment”, 1994.
[ Major Research Achievements ]
- Satellite On-Board Computing with XAI Acceleration
- – Developed the collaborative XAI computing system for providing the visual explainability in satellite imagery analysis
- – Prototyped the onboard FDAC (FPGA/GPU Deep Learning ACcelerator) and CXP syste

- Development of heterogeneous many-core hardware system for next-generation ultra-high performance computers
- [Supercomputing System]
PCI-E type SiP optical interface board makes high-compatibility inter-node interconnect possible. It reduces electrical interference from the electrical interconnect by minimizing the length of the electrical line. It can support the 200Gbps interconnection. We expect better compatibility, scalability, link-bandwidth characteristics in new HPC interconnect system with PCI-E type SiP optical interface board. 200Gbps Silicon Photonics need to develop silicon photonics based components which supports 200Gbps interconnection system. To design and apply novel modulation scheme to reduce power consumption of the interconnection system are required. With low-diameter interconnect topology, we can provide low-latency interconnect system for HPC application services. Building interconnect system with virtual routers enables low-cost interconnect system. For fault tolerance, it needs to develop routing algorithm which provides routing flexibility. In addition, we need monitoring visualization for easily analyzing bottlenecks and defects through visualization of integrated interconnect monitoring tools.[“Thermo-optic control of the longitudinal radiation angle in a silicon-based optical phased array” Optics Letters, Vol. 44, Iss. 2, pp. 411 – 414, Jan. 2019.]

[ Heterogeneous Many-Core Hardware System for UHPC ]
- Unsupervised Learning System to Self-Adaptive Learning Model with Imitation Learning

- 5G based low-latency interaction technology development between device edge-cloud environment

- Development for Intelligently Searching and Utilizing Big Data based on DataMap

[ Academic Services (Journal Editor, Conference Program Committee member ..) ]
- Guest Editor, “Device-to-device communications with social awareness”, IEEE Wireless Communications, 23(4), pp. 10-11, Aug., 2016.
- Editor, Journal of Healthcare Engineering, England (2010 ~ current)
- 6th EAI International Conference on Cloud Computing (Cloud Comp 2015), General Chair, KAIST, 2015
- KIPS, vice president, Editor-in-Chief, (2009~2011)
- IEEE International Conference on Ubiquitous Information Technology and Applications (CUTE2012), Steering Committee Member, IWCCA2012 (Program Co-chair), Hong Kong, Dec. 2012.
- YSEC(Yeosu Expo Int’l Conference) 2012, TPC Chair, Yeosu, April 2012
- Annual Wireless and Optical Communication Conference (WOCC) 2012, TPC member, Taiwan, April 2012.
- IEEE International Conference on Ubiquitous Information Technology and Applications (CUTE2011), Steering Committee Chair, Seoul, Dec. 2011.
- International workshop on Exascale Supercomputing (Exacomp 2011), Program Committee Co-Chair, Seoul, Nov. 2011.
- Head of Korea branch (computer section) of IEICE, (2009. 4 ~ 2011. 3)
- IEEE International Conference on Informatics and Computing (PIC-2010) TPC.
- KIPS Spring Conference(2010) TPC Chair
- Public Cloud Construction Committee, Chair, (2009~2010)
- Korea-Japan Grid/e-Science Symposium Organizing Chair/TPC Chair (2004-2011)
- TriSAI Symposium 2009, 2010, 2011 TPC Member
- Vice-President of Grid Forum Korea (2005 ~ Current): Standardization of Grid computing and communication middleware
- Member of TTA Standardization WG (2007 ~ 2012, 2022)
- General Chair of Korea-Japan Grid symposium 2008
- International Conferences and symposium (ISPA2008), Committee Members
- GridNets 2008 TPC member
- IEEE International Conference CIT2006 TPC members
- Korea-Japan Grid symposium (2004-2008)
- Global Grid Forum 13 Program Committee and Organizing Committee (2005)
- IEEE/IFIP AGNM05 Program Committee
- IEEE PIMRC Technical Program Committee (2003, 2004)
- International Symposium on communication interworking committee 2002.