Students' Supervision
Beginning the guidance of the graduate students in 1998, I have supervised 37 students for getting the PhD and master degree. Now, I am advising 8 PhD students and 6 master students in graduate school. Most of the graduate students that l supervised have taken positions in lots of national research centers, such as ETRI, KISTI, and many other major companies in Korea, especially for IT, such as KT, SKT, Samsung, or LG.
According to the investigations that were made in Grid Middleware center, graduated students, who had gotten education from the center before, showed special abilities in their current positions. The main themes of my teaching until now have been about the subjects including Grid resource management, the implementation of Physio-Grid functions, workflow management system, healthcare system and application services, Cloud resource management, network service model multicast routing and so on.
Lab Alumni
- Dongjae Shin in Feb 2021. Doctoral dissertation “I/O acceleration schemes for SSD swap memory and decoding cache in DL-based image processing”. He is working for Samsung Electronics.
- Heejae Kim in Feb 2021. Doctoral dissertation “Designing and analyzing a deep-learning-based multi-input model to predict the outcome of R&D projects”. He is a postdoc at Kaist.
- WooJoong Kim (KAIST) in Feb 2021. Doctoral dissertation “Cost adaptive scheduling schemes for object identification with DNN acceleration and video streaming in HPC environment”. He is working for Samsung Electronics.
- Dr. Seonghwan Kim (KAIST)
Ph. D. degree in Feb 2020. Doctoral dissertation “Accelerated Edge Cloud System for Stream Data Processing with Incremental Deep Learning Scheme”. He is a postdoc at Kaist.
- Dr. Dongki Kang (Jeonbuk National University)
Ph. D. degree in Aug 2019. Doctoral dissertation “Accelerated Resource Scaling Mechanisms for Energy Efficient Deep Learning Cluster with Power Budget Constraint”. He is an assistant professor at Jeonbuk National University.
- Dr. Fawaz Al Hazemi (University of Prince Mugrin)
Ph. D. degree in Feb 2019. Doctoral dissertation “Dynamic Allocation of Power Delivery Paths in Consolidated Data Centers Based on Adaptive UPS Switching” He is an assistant professor in College of Information Technology and Computer Sciences, University of Prince Mugrin, Madinah, Saudi Arabia
- Dr. Dong-jin Kim (Samsung Electronics)
Ph. D. degree in Feb 2018. Doctoral dissertation “SUPA: A Single Unified Read-Write Buffer and Pattern-Change-Aware FTL for the High Performance of Multi-Channel SSD” He is working for Samsung Electronics.
- Dr. Sang-jin Jeong (ETRI)
Ph. D. degree in Feb 2014. Doctoral dissertation “A Study on Diagnostic Decision Support System for Metabolic Syndrome Care in Cloud Integrated Clinic Integrated Clinic Environment”. He is a researcher at ETRI.
- Dr. Yong-hyuk Moon (ETRI)
Ph. D. degree in Aug 2013. Doctoral dissertation “A Study on Meta-Houristic Scheduling Mechanisms for Fault-Tolerant Distributed Computing”. He is a researcher at ETRI.
- Dr. Byung-sang Kim (Samsung Electronics)
Ph. D. degree in Feb 2013. Doctoral dissertation “A Study on Cost Adaptive Cloud Resource Broker System for Bio-Workflow Computing”. He is working for Samsung Electronics.
- Dr. Young-joo Han (Samsung Electronics)
Ph. D. degree in Aug 2011. Doctoral dissertation “A Study on Adaptive Resource Management System based on Active Workflow Control scheme in Distributed Computing”. He is working for Samsung Electronics.
- Linh Le Vu
M.Sc. degree in Feb 2022. MS Thesis “Energy-efficient Scheduling for DL-based Object Detection using Cluster Chip Preference Estimation”.
- Soyeon Kim
M.Sc. degree in Feb 2021. MS Thesis “Graph neural network-based scene change detection with hybrid feature classification of scene graph embedding”.
- Duc Canh le
M.Sc. Degree in Feb 2020. MS Thesis “City-scale visual place recognition with deep local features based on multi-scale ordered VLAD pooling scheme”. He is working for ByteDance
- Anh Van Vu
M.Sc. degree in Aug. 2020. MS Thesis “A Study on Spatial Relationship Estimation Model for Moving Objects in Crowdsourcing Environment”.
- Changha Lee (Ph. D. Student, KAIST)
M.Sc. degree in Feb. 2020. MS Thesis “A Hybrid Deep Learning Scheduling Scheme for Accelerated AMI Stream Data Processing in Edge-Cloud System”.
- Sunghyun Kim (Tmax A&C)
M.Sc. degree in Feb. 2020. MS Thesis “Container-FPGA Based Edge Computing Acceleration Scheme with Adaptive Resource Scheduling”.
- Pham Van Tu
M.Sc. degree in Feb. 2020. MS Thesis “Performance Evaluation of Adaptive Pruning Algorithm for CNN Accelerated Vehicle Reidentification in smart city environment”.
- Duc Canh Le (Researcher, KAIST)
M.Sc. degree in Feb. 2020. MS Thesis “City-Scale Visual Place Recognition with Deep Local Features Based on Multi-Scale Ordered VLAD Pooling Scheme”.
- Nguyen Viet An
M.Sc. degree in Feb. 2020. MS Thesis “Performance evaluation of Online Learning System Based on Concept Drift Adaptation Scheme for AMI Data Processing”.
- Kyungchae Lee (Ph. D. Student, KAIST)
M.Sc. degree in Aug. 2019. MS Thesis “A Study on the Moving Object Classification System using the RoI-based Image Viewpoint Matching Scheme in Crowdsourcing Environment”.
- Jaeho Jeong
M.Sc. degree in Feb. 2019. MS Thesis “Adaptive Object Re-Identification Scheme using RoI-based SIFT-CNN Model in Crowdsourcing Environment”.
- Eunyoung Oh (KT)
M.Sc. degree in Feb. 2019. MS Thesis “Performance Analysis of Adaptive Resource Allocation Scheme for OpenCL-based FPGA Virtualization System”.
- Soyoon Bae (SK Hynix)
M.Sc. degree in Feb. 2019. MS Thesis “An Accelerated Streaming Data Processing Scheme based on CNN-LSTM Hybrid Model in Energy Service Platform”.
- Eunju Yang (Ph. D. Student, KAIST)
M.Sc. degree in Feb. 2018. MS Thesis “A Batch Orchestration Algorithm for Straggler Mitigation of Synchronous SGD in Heterogeneous GPU Cluster”.
- Mario Loagiciga
M.Sc. degree in Feb. 2018. MS Thesis “An Empirical Study on DNN Inference: Adaptive Degree Assignation Schema based on Pruning Sensitivity Model”.
- Wangyu Han (Naver)
M.Sc. degree in Feb. 2018. MS Thesis “A Dynamic Scheduling Scheme for Hybrid SIFT-CNN Depp Learning Model in FPGA-GPU Edge Computing Environmnet”.
- Myeongseok Hyeon (Samsung Electronics)
M.Sc. degree in Jul. 2017. MS Thesis “A Study of Two Phase Cache Management Scheme with Multiple Prefetching-based Chunk Popularity for Mobile Video Streaming”.
- Taewoo Kim (Ph. D. Student, KAIST)
M.Sc. degree in Jul. 2017. MS Thesis “An Empirical Study on the Unified Deep Learning Interface with GPU Power Consumption Model-based Computing Resource Configuration Scheme”.
- Dongsik Yoon (ADD)
M.Sc. degree in Feb 2017. MS Thesis “A Study on Experimental Model for Evaluating Applicability of Local Vehicular Dynamicity in Connected Car Environments”. He is a researcher at ADD.
- Hyungyu Jang (Samsung Electronics)
M.Sc. degree in Feb 2017. MS Thesis “An Energy Efficient Resource Management Based on Computing Power Consumption-Adaptive Resource Group Control Scheme in Clouds”. He is working for Samsung Electronics.
- Seong-min Song
M.Sc. degree in Aug 2016. MS Thesis “An experimental system analysis for connected car LDM service management using integrated network-cloud simulator”.
- Gyu-beom Choi (Naver)
M.Sc. degree in Aug 2016. MS Thesis “Performance evaluation of energy efficient heterogeneous cluster system with PER-CA scheme under docker cloud environment”.
- Yun-Gi Ha (Ph. D. Student, KAIST)
M.Sc. degree in Aug 2014. MS Thesis “QoS constraints workflow scheduling scheme using the colored petrinet model in cloud”. He is a Ph. D. student in NCLab, KAIST.
- Woo-Joong Kim (Ph. D. Student, KAIST)
M.Sc. degree in Feb 2014. MS Thesis “An integrated broker system for policy-based application service management in mobile cloud”. He is a Ph. D. student in NCLab, KAIST.
- Kyung-no Joo (Ph. D. Student, KAIST)
M.Sc. degree in Feb 2014. MS Thesis “A petri net model-based multiple workflow fragment scheduling schemes in cloud”. He is a Ph. D. student in NCLab, KAIST.
- Yu-sik Kim (NCSOFT)
M.Sc. degree in Feb 2014. MS Thesis “A VM vector Management Scheme for QoS Constraint Task Scheduling in Cloud Environment”. He is working for NCSOFT.
- Dae-sun Kim (Silicon Works)
M.Sc. degree in Feb 2014. MS Thesis “Adaptive Workflow Scheduling Scheme Based on the Colored Petrinet Model in Cloud”. He is working for Silicon Works.
- Hee-Jae Kim (Ph. D. Student, KAIST)
M.Sc. degree in Aug 2013. MS Thesis “A study on efficient VM placement schemes to control VM interference in cloud”. He is a Ph. D. student in NCLab, KAIST.
- Ye Ren (ETRI) (from China)
M.Sc. degree in Aug 2012. MS Thesis “A Cloud Collaboration System with Active Application Control Scheme and Its Experimental Performance Analysis” She is a researcher at ETRI.
- Jagdorj Tumurpurev (Mongolian government) (from Mongolia)
M.Sc. degree in Feb 2012. MS Thesis “An Adaptive Bio-Workflow Scheduling System and Its Performance Evaluation in Cloud”. He is working for Mongolian government.
- Moon-Jung Kim (LG Electronics)
M.Sc. degree in Aug 2010. MS Thesis “A Simple Mobile Ambient Information System for Chronological Disease Care”. She is working for LG Electronics.
- Donghyeon Kim (SK Planet)
M.Sc. degree in Feb 2010. MS Thesis “Distributed Kepler-Based Experiment Workflow Management for Metabolic Syndrome Estimation”. He is working for SK Planet.
- Saugsu Park (LG Electronics)
M.Sc. degree in Feb 2010. MS Thesis “Service-Oriented Collaborative Computing Management using Kepler Extension Model”. He is working for LG Electronics.
- Hoeyoung Kim (CEO)
M.Sc. degree in Aug 2009. MS Thesis “Adaptive Workflow Policy-based Service Management Scheme in Physio-Grid”. He is working for a venture.
- Younghun Kim
M.Sc. degree in Aug 2009. MS Thesis “Service-oriented PACS-Grid: System Architecture and Service Virtualization Framework with Petri-net model”.
- Shengzhong Deng (Samsung Electronics) (from China)
M.Sc. degree in Aug 2009. MS Thesis “A study on Policy Adjuster integrated Grid Workflow Management System”. He is working for Samsung Electronics.
- Wooram Jeong (Daum Kakao)
M.Sc. degree in Feb 2009. MS Thesis “Policy-based Hybrid Workflow Management System for QoS Constrained Grid Application”. He is working for Daum Kakao.
- Jin-Ho Kim (LG Electronics)
M.Sc. degree in Feb 2008. MS Thesis “Geometry poincare-characterized cardiac disease identification scheme in physio-grid”. He is working for LG Electronics.
- Jay Jie Dong (Samsung Beijing) (from China)
M.Sc. degree in Feb 2008. MS Thesis “Grid Workflow-Integrated Resource Management System with a Policy Negotiator”. He is working for Samsung Beijing.
- Yong-Jie Ni (from China)
M.Sc. degree in Aug 2007. MS Thesis “A PQRM-based PACS System for Advanced Medical Services under Grid Environment”. She worked for SK C&C.
- Changhee Han (LG Electronics)
M.Sc. degree in Feb 2007. MS Thesis “A study on the Physio-Grid System for Advanced Physiological Disease Identification”. He is a researcher at LG Electronics.
- Sang-Il Lee (Samsung Electronics)
M.Sc. degree in Feb 2006. MS Thesis “A Study on Grid Policy Administrator with MDP -Based Resource Management Scheme”. He is a researcher at Samsung Electronics.
- Hye-Won Song (ETRI)
M.Sc. degree in Feb 2005. MS Thesis “Configuration management policy based on DEB cost model in OBS networks”. She is a researcher at ETRI.
- Jeong Je Cho (KT)
M.Sc. degree in Feb 2005. MS Thesis “Cost adaptive replica management scheme for S-PQRM system in wireless grid”. He is a manager at KT.
- Dong-Su Nam (National Security Institute of ETRI)
M.Sc. degree in Feb 2004. MS Thesis “QoS-constrained Policy Quorum Configuration Scheme for Reliable Resource Management in Grid”. He is a researcher at the National Security Institute of ETRI.
- Ji-Eun Keum (Samsung Electronics)
M.Sc. degree in Feb 2003. MS Thesis “QoS constraint reconfiguration policy based on DEB-cost model in optical wavelength routed networks”. She is a researcher at Samsung Electronics.
- Eung-Seok Ahn
M.Sc. degree in Feb 2003. MS Thesis “Dual DEB-GPS Scheduler in E-PON and Its Expansion for Delay-Constraint Multicasting Services”.
- Sang-Yong Ha (NIA)
M.Sc. degree in Feb 2003. MS Thesis “Dynamic Replica Management Scheme based on Cost-Deadline Discipline in Grids”. He is a manager at NIA.
- Kyunghee Lee
M.Sc. degree in Feb 2002. MS Thesis “A Traffic Adaptive Reconfiguration Mechanism in Multiwavelength Optical Networks”. She worked for Samsung Electronics.
- Eun-Jeong Kim
M.Sc. degree in Feb 2001. MS Thesis “Reliable Multicast Scheme using a Bottleneck Location Estimator”. She was a researcher at LG electronics.
- Dong-Lim Lee (SK Broadband)
M.Sc. degree in Feb 2001. MS Thesis “RTCP-based RP Reselection Scheme for Real-Time Multicast services in Internet Wide Area Network”. He is working for SK Broadband.
- Jeong-Kuk Bae (KT)
M.Sc. degree in Feb 2000. MS Thesis “Usage-based Fair-Charging Scheme with Power Spectral measurement in Broadband Networks”. He is a director at KT.
- Sangbum Kim (CEO)
M.Sc. degree in Feb 2000. MS Thesis “Bottleneck Location Estimator for Scalable Multicast Using Maximum Likelihood Estimation”. He works for a venture.
- Hun-Young Lee (SK Broadband)
M.Sc. degree in Feb 2000. MS Thesis “Multicast routing algorithm under QoS constrained network environment”. He is working for SK Broadband.