Introducing Network & Computing Lab

About NCL

Over the years, high-performance computing(HPC), and distributed computing(DC) systems have become pervasive. Any computable machines including from clusters to internet-worked computers and mobile devices are now required to compute efficiently to support a wide variety of applications. Our research works are focusing on key technologies underlying the design and engineering of high-performance  and distributed computing systems and computing middleware.

Important Projects in NCL

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Latest News in NCL

Announcing the Launch of the new Graduate Program in Satellite Computing and Service Systems Technology (SCST)
July 8, 2024 — The Graduate School of Electrical Engineering at KAIST, in collaboration with HUST-SEEE, is proud to announce the launch of a new graduate program in Satellite Computing and Service Systems Technology (SCST). Please click to see more details.

291 Daehak-ro, Guseong-dong,
Yuseong-gu Daejeon, 305-701, Korea
Phone: +82-42-350-3495 FAX: +82-42-350-7260
Network and Computing Lab (E3-2)
